Thursday, May 1, 2014

Vote This Year Like Your Life Depends On It...Because It Does.

English speaking Australia requires its citizens to vote. Think about that this November when you complain about how stupid Congress has become but feel that you're too busy to go out to the polls and make a change. Also, those who want to squelch people of color to vote...thank yourselves in the mirror as the more you try to stop them, the more committed they are as a whole to find any way they can to get out and vote. Keep it up. Tyranny doth not have a long life. Case in point: Nazi Germany.

Be cool, be nobody's fool, and don't dismiss the bliss.

Quantum Mechanic

Bill O'RiledUp

Bill O'Reilly wears jealousy of Beyonce as a veil to hide his hatred, especially of successful people of color, which originates from his somewhat justifiable but clear self-loathing.

He's a despicable shell of a human being, truly, but like anyone who finally realizes the truth about themselves, even despicable shells of humanity can ultimately find themselves and turn over a new leaf. The trick is to listen to the subtle voice of truth amidst the shouting of lies.

Be cool, be nobody's fool, and don't dismiss the bliss ©

--Quantum Mechanic

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Don Sterling and the 1% [Warning: Blue Language]

Um, Don Sterling---you don't GIVE your players food, clothes and cars.

They earn them.

By working.

You know---that thing you do when you want money to buy things.

This is the typical 1%er. They think that we all owe them our lives. We don't owe them shit...except maybe a fully charged cattle prod rammed up their ass to wake them the f*ck up from their stupor. Before corporations, people worked and made things on their own to trade for other things that other people made. In fact, until recently, people used to barter. Now, we all work for pieces of fancy looking paper that we in turn use to buy stuff that we need to exist, often times worth much less than the work that we do....but we still do it in order to live and make sure our families do as well. 

So, in summation...F*CK YOU, DON and your 1% the ass with a chainsaw strap-on. You f*ckers need to shut the f*ck up and leave us the hell alone.