Thursday, August 15, 2019

How to Cure the Trump Cancer

Cancer is my way of describing the #MendaciousMiscreant. I have special experience in that regard as I have Stage 3 breast cancer. 

Trump indeed is a cancer, a disease that can only be eradicated by educating the masses through hearings (impeachment inquiry) and by people standing up to this insane, lumbering knuckle-dragging dotard. 

Print media has at least tried to expose his fraudulent, incessant self-serving antics but the cable news arena has only recently been calling out his bullshit and not enough of it. Dumbald Douchebag commits so many crimes no one can keep up with it without a Cray Supercomputer. 

It's amazing that after 12,000 lies that 40% of the public still supports the shitbag. In any other country, he would have been hanged or shot by now. America has become an uneducated mass of sleepy couch surfers who only seem motivated when their own families are affected, either economically or know, like being shot by some trump supporting white supremacist. The irony is that white supremacy is an oxymoron. I find little intellectual growth among those that perpetuate that myth. If anything, those folks show a propensity for devolution rather than evolution (which, hilariously is a dirty word to them). 

Trump can be defeated, but it will require a massive turnout of people willing to not only participate in civics including not just registering people to vote and voting, but protecting and defending the actual vote (IF we're not in a state of Martial Law by then). Trump is insane, but we can't depend on his corrupt cabinet to remove him by 25th Amendment. 

Sane people will have to, if they respect the rule of law, rely on Congress and the various investigations into trump's innumerable high crimes and misdemeanors. Funny they say high crimes as I personally believe trump is a coke fiend. Does a lot of sniffing during certain debates and pressers when under pressure. Some people claim he's snorting Adderall with some Bath Salts, which isn't hard to believe, but I think he's just doing the old coke thing...and I don't mean diet coke soda.

Aside from trump, we have to cure the cancer that has metastasized since trump stole the presidency from Hillary Clinton, who, thanks to a trainwreck obsessed press, became an unintentionally problematic candidate once she announced a run for president.  We as a country have to find a way to unite again. Last time, it was 9/11/01 that united the country. Do we really have to have a national disaster to see eye to eye again? I personally think if we make some changes to how we get our facts and our news, things may improve. Education is the best tool for destroying ignorance, which has plagued this country for decades now, fueled by race hatred (especially during Obama's presidency) and the American obsession for blaming everyone but themselves for their problems. We collectively need to take a hard look in the mirror. As Walt Kelly famously said a half century ago, "We have met the enemy and he is US." 

If you must have a villain, it isn't brown people or the poor. It's the rich oligarchs like the Koch Bros. who ironically hate the oligarch in, trump. His version of fascism doesn't gel with theirs. The #MendaciousMiscreant, as I call him, envisions himself as a quasi Godfather dictator. Hitler without the 'stache, but with a lot of fat. His confederate, #MoscowMitch McConnell is happy just destroying our democracy and installing as many fascist judges while killing any legislation from Democrats. Trump, on the other hand, wants to rule by decree, exterminate everyone who he doesn;t like (which includes the poor, people of color and anyone who disagrees with him) and continue to use America as his bank account while living a lazy, fraudulent, faux opulent lifestyle. He's basically a pig in an ill fitting suit and ridiculously long necktie.

I digress....when trump is finally removed, either through some semblance of justice or by an election he will claim is rigged, we have to examine how to eradicate the hate and white supremacy bullshit he's grown around this country. If we don't, we're basically letting terrorists run the show. We must work to stop massacres like El Paso Shooting at the beginning of August, 2019 in their tracks. 

Some steps we can take IF we take both the House and Senate and White House as Democrats: 

1. Ban all assault type weapons. We did it before...we can do it again. 
2  Pack the courts with sane, fair judges.
3. Change the laws regarding how long judges can serve.
4. Gradually restructure public education and ban fake news sources like Fox News, Newsmax et al.
5. Merit based pay system for Congress. You must legislate in order to get paid.
6. Common sense national gun safety laws, assuring gun owners that no one is going to take their guns, except if they own an assault weapon...they will need to turn it in for money or get insurance.
7. Take steps to nationalize the ownership of prescription drug companies and gradually restructure the healthcare system. 
8. Retain Obamacare and provide Medicare for All for those who want it. Make the insurance companies compete for customers.
9. Legalize Marijuana nationally to offset the opioid crisis and gradually federalize a $21 minimum wage, If you look at inflation and compare, that's what the minimum wage should be.

These are just some of what we can do to coax Americans to unite as a people.

Be cool be nobody's fool and don't diss the bliss.

James a.k.a. DJ Quantum Mechanic