It's always funny when the 1% claims that the 99% envies their wealth
and power. Maybe a decade ago, I could have embraced that notion as I
was obsessed nearly all my life with somebodyness.
Now, after that
exercise in futility, I could give a shit less.
What's wealth and power
when your soul is buried by ego? Embrace loss and poverty in your
life, as Ghandi did, because the more opulence you have, the less of
yourself you know. Christ knew himself, and got crucified trying
to show us how to do that. I thank Jesus, the great avatar, for
showing me the lonely, often bleak path to true peace, the release from
You find your true self, which is the Soul, through selflessness.
It is much harder to find it when you're selfish.
Short version:
embrace your anonymity, your in that quiet, it's easy to
find who you really are, and not what people label you.
Be cool; be nobody's fool; and don't dismiss the bliss.