Infinite universality = multiverse.
Brian Greene also touched on this. Interesting to note that the visible universe only makes up about 5-7% of the actual universe. The rest is Dark Energy pushing expansion while Dark Matter pulls it in. Visible matter and energy are different vibrational states of the same thing, so it's conceivable that dark matter and dark energy could exist (as yet unseen or perceived by humans) in that same framework. Existence is in 3 realms; Quantum (the very small), Mundane (what we perceive) and Ethereal (Higher Consciousness). Our universe is made of this trinity which is unity. Everything is connected, demonstrated by quantum physics (particles that have connection to other particles at great distances). This trinity may be the same in the multiverse. Paramahansa Yogananda famously said God Consciousness, Christ Consciousness & Divine Creative Vibration were analogs of Mind, Body, Soul. Another analog would Ice, Water, Water Vapor. Getting deep, no? Bottom line of all these concepts is that the multiverse is infinity incarnate. We're just specks able to at least try to understand it while we navigate what we can see with our senses.