Friday, April 10, 2015

Why 2016 Is An Exercise In Futility For Warren Supporters

I love Senator Warren, but let's be realistic...this is a waste of time and money. She has repeatedly said she is not interested. She can better serve in the Senate. Besides, in a general election, because half the country supports the Greed Oppression Piety party and their evil, it's pretty much a snowball's chance in Jim Inhofe's pants that Sen. Warren could win a general election. Even in a primary race against Hillary Clinton, the result would only be a contest to sway Hillary toward progressive issues, which she is already embracing, having been a champion of same in her early days. 

Sen. Warren is awesome and in a perfect world, SHOULD be president. But logic dictates that the world we're in is far from perfect and just chock full of evil a-holes like Rand Paul swaying the hipster doofusses out there. There are too many gullible, uneducated trolls out there who have a vote and too many supposedly smart people who sit home on election day disillusioned about the process and unwilling to study even a little civics to understand that their vote does matter. Those factors alone make it impossible for a Warren win. 

The only chance this country has for survival is if Clinton beats the shizzle out of the gopturd who ends up the nominee on the republiKKKan side. Your money and time is best spent fighting republicans in your town, city, state, and country. FIGHT the gops or we're all toast.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

The Murder Of Walter Scott or America, ApartHATE Style

Isn't it wonderful to live in a country where some cops think that because you're not white, you're just a rabid animal that must be put down?

  • Here I thought 1933-1945 Germany was racist...
  • Then I thought South Africa was racist from 1948 (officially) until 1994 when the Congress Party & Nelson Mandela took the reinst...
Then I remembered that even my people, the Jews, were being rounded up and put in concentration camps long before 'Murica got into the war to take down Hitler...8 years after he started his scourge.
This country was built by slaves, continues to enslave people, especially people of color, through the vast prison system, and still hasn't gotten rid of its ridiculous & illogical obsession with separating people based on race.

The only separation that needs to happen is between religion and the state. The rest of this "otherism" needs to go the way of the dinosaur...extinct.

Monday, April 6, 2015

California Drought First Domino in Civil War 2.0

California needs to rethink its water rights & distribution with regard to agriculture, which uses half of the water supply. For example, it takes a gallon of water PER almond. So the next time you buy a bag of almonds, think of the huge amount of water it took to make just one. Since California has been in a severe drought for 4 years, while supplying most of the vegetables we eat, and only has 1 year of water left, the prediction made in Interstellar is coming too true too soon....we're going to have to rethink food and water in America as there will come a time when we'll be killing each other for just a scrap of each of those things, and on a scale that will make the Civil War look like a frat picnic, but without the eats.