Even before 2011 with his twisted accusation that Obama was born outside America, trump (I almost never capitalize his name) has expounded his racism on the world stage...famously taking out an ad in the NY Times claiming the Central Park Five should be executed despite their proven innocence, fanning the flames of white supremacy and hate as a means to get himself into the White House where he could get away with his crimes. He may not be book smart, but he's shrewd when it comes to crime, which is a common theme in his fraudulent life for decades. It's likely he 'inherited' his disdain for people of color from his father, who was famously a member of the KKK. Both he and his father, owning apartments and condos in Manhattan, ran into trouble with the Nixon administration, ironically enough, for their racist practices against renting to people of color. You have to be really racist to tangle with the Nixon administration. Like Nixon, trump had no love for Jews except to use them (like his business manager) to further his own financial goals, famously saying they were good with money.
It's not just his words that have caused actual deaths in this country (as well as fueling race hated abroad with his fans overseas), his actions against Hispanics and others of color, where Cruelty Is Policy (hashtag that) is the main theme of his administration. The "dotard" as North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un famously called him, is an existential threat to people of color and has proven to be actually detrimental against his own base of supporters (white low and middle class folks often with unfounded grievances against people of color) with his inane tariffs against China, where ironically, all his goods in his various businesses (all failing, I might add) are made and imported here. China has ceased buying agricultural goods from American farmers (such as Soybeans). Trump has stolen from the Farming Disaster Fund to pay large, trump supporting corporate farmers as a kind of bribe to keep them on his side. He robs from Peter to pay Paul...and well, when you rob from Peter to pay Paul, you end up with a sore Peter. Seriously, though, his whole life has been a fraud and an endless series of lies. Like a brusque carnival barker, he's fooled 40% of the population.

In a normal election period, you can't win with just 40% of the vote, unless you suppress the remaining 60% of the population, especially when nearly half that 60% stay away from the polls for whatever reason. Trump has succeeded in two things; convincing his base that he's doing something about jobs, hanging on tightly to Obama's coattails and destroying Obama's legacy. This explains the loyalty of his base, despite that they are not earning more for the few jobs that remain, none of which are new Coal jobs (Coal is a dying industry and it was that way long before he was "elected" with Putin's help). Expect the 2020 election, if we aren't in a state of Martial Law, to be rife with Russian interference, not to mention Saudi and North Koreans in the mix, hacking the hell or financing the tampering with election machines and data. Mitch McConnell, whose wife has illicit ties with China, is complicit as trump's un-American confederate (yes, I just had to use that word). He's killed any hopes of election protection as all Democratic House bills have famously died on his desk. He's brought nothing to the floor, which suits both his and trump's goals of one party rule.

Trump's cruelty and depravity seem to be what his supporters like. Americans have an obsession with the Mob...and many trump fans think of him as some kind of quasi-Godfather figure...punching their enemies like a goon or "Good Fella" or Goomba, if you will, and running the government into the ground like a Mafia boss. This is insane, but our country has lost its humanity, so it's no surprise to me.
Aside from his racist, dog whistle amplified to bullhorn rhetoric, trump's actions against people of color are deliberate and reminds us of what Hitler did to Germany and surrounding nations he conquered--wiping out in excess of 11 million Jews and non-white, non-Christians. If trump could get away with it on a mass scale (already people are dying), he'd slaughter people. He's that evil and depraved. People who can't see the parallels or even remotely examine his behavior and not see how twisted he is are sadly anesthetized. People tend to look away when they're doing fairly well in their pocketbook. Money talks and bullshit walks.

His riding of Obama's economy can't last forever. We've already seen a downturn in world manufacturing, which will catch up to America and a recession is inevitable. What we need to happen is that the recession occur before summer of 2020. Considering the ridiculous trade wars and our allies suffering in the UK (Brexit will decimate Great Britain), it's almost a certainty that a world economic collapse is going to happen. Climate change is already affecting the world food supply and causing turmoil in the Middle East. War with Iran in some form seems also inevitable, since trump's evangelical (I call them EVILgelicals) want that war as they believe in the outlandish theory based on their religion, that an Apocalypse must happen so that Israel will convert to Christianity. That's going to happen on the day Jennifer Lawrence proposes to me.

I know some in Congress, including a Speaker who shall remain nameless, think impeachment is not viable, but it's not really about convicting...it's about CONVINCING the American public that trump is indeed a serial criminal using the presidency he stole with Putin's help to hide behind and profit from. We're paying for all of his golf excursions (even though he cheats at the game!) and his "acting" like a president. Not for nothing, but he doesn't even deserve any awards for pretending to be a president. He can't even get the simplest things a president is supposed to do. As Rex Tillerson famously said, trump is "a f**king moron." Trouble is, trump is a moron but who is at least criminally skilled in using other people's money to convince Americans he is a "tough" leader who alone can fix things. The reality is that he's a one man(?) wrecking ball. He's destroyed more than created and what he's created is a disaster, especially for poor and working class; not to mention the horrors he's brought to people of color, especially Hispanics.

SHORT VERSION: Impeach to expose him, leaving it up to the republican controlled Senate to own their failure to convict, all the while putting out the hearings to the media, which loves a trainwreck, which in turn will destroy his chances of re-election UNLESS he cheats with Russian and other foreign help. TRUMP MUST GO and the only recourse decent taxpayers of getting rid of the schmuck is through the hearings and the constant media barrage. It's likely his other crimes, including the odd connection to the late Jeffrey Epstein, will also surface between now and Nov. 2020. I am hopeful, but also very cynical considering how asleep our country is right now. They are numb to cruelty and that's not a good sign our nation will survive much longer.
Be cool, be nobody's fool, and don't dismiss the bliss.
Quantum Mechanic (@JamesEFinch)