Saturday, September 26, 2020


I've been left since 1972 and I've never had a use for any flag other than the American Flag...that said, one doesn't need a flag to be a patriot. They give a damn about civics, so they vote, participate in the democracy (organize, etc), and support our soldiers (men and women). 

 The right wing SAYS they support the things we do, but lately it's more about preventing brown people from voting, intimidating voters, shouting at people wearing masks during a pandemic that killed 205K people (as of this writing) so far, go nuts in WalMart over having to wear masks, spit at people of color or disabled people, force their twisted version of Christianity on people, try to deny people of their rights, and just cause a lot of ruckus over imaginary grievances. Trumpism in a nutshell. That's not patriotism. That's insanity. 

Just a few years ago, people got along despite their differences. Now, it's like if I disagree with Dear Leader or his followers, I'm a target for extermination. The f**k? Come on, people, we have more in common that we admit and we bleed the same color blood. Let's not shed any, k? PEACE.

Be Cool, be nobody's fool and don't dismiss the Bliss. 

James Finch a.k.a. DJ Quantum Mechanic

Saturday, September 5, 2020


Infinite universality = multiverse. 

Brian Greene also touched on this. Interesting to note that the visible universe only makes up about 5-7% of the actual universe. The rest is Dark Energy pushing expansion while Dark Matter pulls it in. Visible matter and energy are different vibrational states of the same thing, so it's conceivable that dark matter and dark energy could exist (as yet unseen or perceived by humans) in that same framework. Existence is in 3 realms; Quantum (the very small), Mundane (what we perceive) and Ethereal (Higher Consciousness). Our universe is made of this trinity which is unity. Everything is connected, demonstrated by quantum physics (particles that have connection to other particles at great distances). This trinity may be the same in the multiverse. Paramahansa Yogananda famously said God Consciousness, Christ Consciousness & Divine Creative Vibration were analogs of Mind, Body, Soul. Another analog would Ice, Water, Water Vapor. Getting deep, no? Bottom line of all these concepts is that the multiverse is infinity incarnate. We're just specks able to at least try to understand it while we navigate what we can see with our senses.


Wednesday, July 29, 2020


The economy was threadbare at best prior to the pandemic due mainly to policies that benefited republican donors infinitely more than to the working class in this country. When you have 42 million people in poverty prior to a pandemic, something is not kosher. Trump, in his finite wisdom, thinks the stock market is the economy. It's only one of several barometers determining a portion of the economy. 
IMO, the economy is only properly functioning when democracy reaches into all aspects of society. Fair wages, a diminution of CEO pay in favor of workers' benefits, incentives for corporations who follow this logic and improvement of working conditions would improve and equalize the economy. This can be accomplished if Democrats, who famously care about logic, an economy that works for everyone (bubble up as opposed to the BS of trickle-down), control the House, the Senate and the presidency. 
We got a lot done under Obama's first year, but republicans were so incensed by a black man holding the office, they formed the racist party movement (akin to a loose bowel movement), which has metastasized since Obama left into the trumpist movement (akin to explosive diarrhea) that is so toxic, people are regarding science as a taboo. Extremes don't help a society survive, whether it be left or right. Democrats have become more progressive, which is a good thing, but it has been tempered by logical thinking. Carville as opposed to AOC if you want an analogy. We have to win on a massive scale, inviting all stripes to defeat the COVIDIOT IN CHEAP. I think we will, if we are allowed a fair election process. That said, it's an uphill battle. Polls be damned, we must proceed as if Biden is trailing the trump. 
I believe in my fellow democrats and that we can do it. I've been a strong progressive Democrat since 1975 when I turned 18. I will never be otherwise. LET'S ORGANIZE, MOBILIZE AND WIN!

Monday, April 20, 2020


God--is not a person. It's Universal Soul or The Nameless. Making it a deity limits the limitless which is impossible. Here's a simple analogy...can you put the sun on the head of a pin? NO? It's the same thing when human beings try to humanize the universe. Not possible. Belief is tied to ego. If you want to know "God," you can manifest through unconditional love. A simple analogy is your pet....your pet loves you without conditions. That's one way to start manifesting reality instead of belief. Jesus, I BELIEVE existed...but my beliefs do not deify nor diminish him. Knowing the concept of Jesus is DOING his JUST LOVE and LOVE JUSTLY. The only JUST LOVE is unconditional...and that's DIVINE LOVE.