Me Vs. Sad Orange Man (John Boehner)
the truth, Mr. Sad Orange Man, there are more than enough Republicans
willing to pass a CLEAN CR, which essentially guts the budget for the
gov't and continues your party's unjust sequester cuts, but the American
People you keep referring to, are willing to accept a shiv as opposed
to a sledgehammer in order to have their government reopen unencumbered.
End this treachery now, by bringing the Clean CR bill to the floor for a
vote as we both know at least 25 republicans would support it, and with
the democratic support, the bill WILL PASS. Now, grow a pair, have some
courage, tell the tea party wing of your party they can not re-decide
the 2012 election. Your party lost, the ACA is LAW, time to get on the
right side of history and do the right thing. Be for country instead of
party for a change. DO IT NOW. Maybe, just maybe, more than 30% of the
public might actually approve of your actions. Don't do anything, and
you will bring down the wrath of over 300 million pissed off Americans
on you and your loser party."
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