Saturday, December 13, 2014

SONY & HOLLYWOOD HACKED: "Boo Frickin' Hoo!"


Yes, as Rocket Racoon famously said, "Boo Frickin' Hoo."  This is a company and an industry which pays its top brass billions upon billions of dollars, with creativity squelched & most of their personnel severely underpaid while being exploited by these same, often arguably racist, sexist, and hedonist bosses.

These executives crying foul over their emails and screeners being disseminated by tech savvy hackers should elicit the same reaction from the public as if Rupert Murdock stubbed his toe while hacking into murder victims' private phones to sell stories in his tabloids.

"Boo Frickin' Hoo."

Hollywood executives swim in such opulence, hoard so much money while exploiting their workers that having sympathy for them becomes problematic, especially when they exchange racist emails with each about the president, take advantage of arguably talented actors who they also regard as fodder, and pay female actors much less than their male counterparts.

"Boo Frickin' Hoo."

What about all the people who buy their products?  We get hacked all the time and pay Geeksquad or some other outfit millions upon millions of dollars we have to borrow.  You don't want your shit stolen? Get it off your phones, your computers, your servers, your thumb drives, etc.  Hell, I've learned a hard lesson by losing a terabyte of data on a drive compromised through illicit port scanning. It's a fact of life in today's world where theft is commonplace, not only in the creative sphere, but in every other sphere. I never have anything that's worth anything on my drives while being on the internet.  I'm a poor, stupid slob.  What's your excuse, Hollywood?  You literally swim in money!

"Boo Frickin' Hoo."

Hollywood charges an average of 10 bucks for a movie ticket, $25 for a blu-ray of a movie that costs them less than a dollar to make (including royalties), spends exorbitant amounts of cash on films that arguably should never have been made.  Guess who gets most of that money?  The actors? The crew? Craft Service? Um, nope. The same executives who got exposed making fun of our POTUS of color because of his color.

"Boo Frickin' Hoo."

Yes, he said it best...Rocket Racoon, a now wholly owned CGI animal of the most powerful media giant on Earth: Disney.  Billions and billions and billions of dollars all going to the top, and them being butthurt about a hack just doesn't hold any water.  If you don't want your shit out there, keep your shit off the internet.

"Boo Frickin' Hoo."

How about paying your workers a little better and yourselves a little less?  Then, maybe, you can get us to shed a tear.


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