Tuesday, September 16, 2014

7 Degrees Hotter? Meh, That's Nothin'.

According to Price-Waterhouse Accounting and nearly all climatologists, the earth's temperature will rise 7 degrees by the end of the century if we don't start cutting carbon emissions.

Now, you may say, "who gives a shit, I'll be dead by then." How about your family? Your grandchildren, your great grandchildren, et al? Don't they mean anything? The anti-science people (a phrase I never thought I'd ever have to type or utter) are saying, "meh, what's 7 degrees?" Well, think of it this way, what if your internal temp was 105 instead of 98.6. Would you be ok with that? Not for very long. Maybe a couple of days if you were in good health prior to that. 

The Fossil Fool Industry...oh, I'm sorry, Fossil FUEL Industry would have you believe that 7 degrees is nothin'. No problem, they say. Why would they give a shit....they're in their lofty, ivory towers spending your money.

The Earth's temperature rising 7 degrees would create a scene out of Spielberg's "Artificial Intelligence" movie. 

All the polar ice caps would have melted, and as a result, no reflectivity of the sun's rays would contribute to increased heat, and eventually, due to the increased carbon, a greenhouse effect becomes pronounced to such a degree (pun intended), that Earth would become much like Venus, where the temp on a good day is enough to MELT LEAD. 

Think about that as you drive that big ol' SUV down 2 blocks to get your tall soy caramel machiato latte with no foam and extra extra (sweet and low).

Be cool (ha!), be nobody's FUEL FOOL, and don't dismiss the bliss.

Quantum Mechanic

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