Sunday, September 20, 2015

Hate Addiction

OMGAF (Oh My Gourd All Friday), I get it, fellow Americans...hate is sooooooo addictive, but in order to perpetuate the species...I assume you do....hate has to go. 

Here's what hate translates as and is derived from: 

  • Hubris, 
  • Avarice, 
  • Tyranny, 
  • Evil. 
Those 4 concepts cascade into not only the acronym HATE, but the very fabric of it. I am just as guilty of this emotion, which is deadly...literally. When you put negative energy into the universe, the Law of Reciprocals...a universal constant as real as the speed of light, which is the "c" in E=Mc2, kicks that energy right back to you...either in your health or in any number of things that affect your existence in the physical as well as the Soul realm. 

For those of you who are agnostic or totally into physicality, just read that as energy. Energy can be used to create or destroy. Positive or negative. Positive = Creation; Negative = Destruction. 

As energy itself can only be transferred, wouldn't it be logical to transfer energy that creates as opposed to negates? Every day we wake up we have the opportunity to decide which transference of energy we'd like to take place. It's a struggle, especially when you see injustice or negativity. I try to negate the negative with positive energy, even through some lame humor. Just gotta keep at it. I'd rather be a lighthouse than swim in darkness.

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